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2 horas


Groups larger than 6 people


Food & Drinks


Spanish / English


La Flor de Jamaica

Jardín Lerma


What is the Mexican chili culture


It is a workshop and tasting in which we show the importance, history and uses that have been given to the chili since the beginning of civilization in Mexico.  Everything while our guests try a selection of plates that pairs the explanation and makes them feel and understand better what chiles means for us Mexicans. It is considered the first workshop/tasting focused on chili in our country.



Generate awareness and knowledge in a fun and dynamic way, in which the participant learns and interacts with the different types and uses of chilis in Mexico, generating the attendee to appreciate the importance of preserving traditions and respect for our gastronomic culture and promoting its preservation.


It is a versatile workshop that offers the possibility of taking place in any location and adjusts to the number of attendees. The knowledge offered is very broad and designed to be easily understandable for all participants. It breaks the schemes of a traditional tasting as it invites  guests to participate and collaborate in the different activities involved, which generates a dynamic of integration and collaboration.

Q & A

To know details and prices, send us a message and we will gladly answer you as soon as possible.


¡Gracias! Mensaje enviado.

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